Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Sinners in Paradise (1938)

A Kinda Cute Castaway Adventure

I don't understand why this film was added to the Dark Crimes 50-film pack -- it's not a "dark crime" film. This film is a kinda cute castaway production... it's sometimes dramatic and other times it's comedy.

This is a basic story of a plane going down and the survivors are near an island to seek refuge there and hoping a rescue ship will come nearby. The difference is there is a doctor criminal on the island with his helper Ping. This doctor criminal has a boat and it's up to him if he wants them to use it or not.

As I said earlier, the film seesaws from drama to comedy from scene to scene which is something I've seen before in the older films. This is one okay - nothing to brag about.

The only bonus to this film is a cameo appearance from Dwight Frye right at the very beginning of the film.


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