Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Hoodlum (1951)

Crime Doesn't Pay Kids

This seems to be one of those "lesson" films for the teens and 20-somethings... the "lesson" of crime doesn't pay, make a good life for yourself - you don't want to see your mama cry do ya kids? Yea it's one of those types of films.

To me this film was awful.... about 30 minutes through the film I hit the fast-forward button just to finish watching it quickly. It's quite a bore fest. What I did watch of the film I kept wanting to reach through the screen and slap Vincent Lubeck - yea he is an irritating hoodlum to me - not one of those sorta cool gangsters like we see in films but an outright stinking hoodlum - just like the stinking place they live (reference to Vincent's comment in the film about the stink).

Some may like this film - but it was a terrible 30 minutes for me and what I saw in fast-forward didn't look any better.


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