Saturday, May 7, 2016

Children of the Corn IV: The Gathering (1996)

Not Even Close to the Original - LAME!

This one is a bit LAME! Josiah comes to town as "He Who Walks Behind The Rows" dressed like none other than Issac (from the original film). Issac was a reverend/preacher and acted as such. This Josiah does not preach, he only gives all of the children a very high fever then, suddenly, a handful of them kill. Latti-daddi-dah what a film. It's more of a slasher film and does not feel like a real supernatural horror as it should - like the first film did and still does today.

This film is focused on a young nurse coming back to town to help her seemly gone crazy mom (played by the wonderful Karen Black) that it distracts and takes away from what "Children of the Corn" is all about. What should have been done for this film instead: a preachy Josiah to all the kids in order to reflect the first film and the heart of the story.

I only watch this one just because Stephen King's name is attached to it and to *try* to enjoy another CotC film.   :/


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