Saturday, May 7, 2016

Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest (1995)

I Liked Most of This Film - Just Not All of It. 

I like reverend Eli. He's got a style similar to Issac (Part 1) but he's not exactly like Issac. I also like Eli a bit better than Micah (from Part 2). I would say this 3rd film is better than Part 2 but not nearly as good as The Original CotC film.

What I didn't like about this film was the campy death scenes really dumb to me.  I also disliked near the ending with the Corn Monster - that was going way overboard, getting really stupid and tasteless. The film should have gone from Joshua killing Eli to the two men at the very end with the corn going world wide. Instead they added the terrible in-between Corn Monster - horrible idea but not horror.

Other than the stupid Corn Monster and campy death scenes I liked this film fairly well. I was really caught up in the story.


Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest (1995)

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