Saturday, May 7, 2016

Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror (1998)

Terrible Film - Just Barely Watchable

Our little Ezeekial is not terrifying at all! So far he is by far the lamest of the preacher/reverend kids. No real sermon, nothing much to do and not in the least scary. What's worse about this film is the fact the kids now have an adult leader who "cares for them": Luke Enright played by David Carradine. I like David Carradine fine so that's not my problem - it's just the kids are suppose to have another child leader/prophet and not a *special* adult to supervise - that really takes away from the heart-line of the story.

More to rag on: The 4 20-somethings... they look nowhere near being teenagers (they look mid 20s to early 30s to me) and the one girl claiming to be almost 18 (Kir) that is really stretching it. Well I guess our little Ezeekial is gullible or simply was willing to sacrifice anyone that day to "He Who Walks Behind The Rows".

And what's up with that tower? Where in the heck is the eerie corn crosses to crucify the "infidels" or "non-believers"? This is going way off base again.

 They also stretched out the ending way to long - I didn't care for it.

I will say there are a couple of okay scenes in this one and I did chuckle at the campy deaths (again) and dingy moments of the main characters.


Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror (1998)

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