Monday, April 18, 2016

The Last Frontier (1932)

I Enjoyed It - Fun Serial

This is another one of those films (serials) that I didn't expect much from - in all honesty I was guessing I would like just a little bit of it but mainly rather bored watching it - well I guessed wrong. I found this one to be a barrel full of laughs.

I'm sorry but The Black Ghost (Tom Kirby played by Lon Chaney Jr) reminds me so much of Zorro - I couldn't help but to giggle. But some of the funniest stuff did not come from our hero Tom Kirby - those laughs came from some of the other cast members. Uncle Happy had me cracking a few laughs but I think I laughed the hardest when Aggie Kirby wet a towel down and slapped one of the "bad guys" with it in the face - that had me rolling.

If you don't take this serial seriously and relax, simply enjoy the crazy stuff you are watching on the screen then you might like this silly but fun western - I mean that "serialously" ;) LOL.


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