Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Feeding (2006)

Very Lame Movie

I was hoping and even expecting the film to be a little bit better than it is - just a little bit better.  Sadly the film is worse than I hoped - far worse. The ONLY good and funny part of the film was the opening with the two dorky hunters - that is it! The rest of the film was so lame I could not even get a good laugh out of it.

Most of the film is boring dialogue! We spend over 30 minutes listening to boring dialogue between the two rangers falling for each other and 7 20-somethings that act like teenagers smoking pot, having sex for the first time in their lives and lame conversation between them - wow how exciting! *Rolls-eyes*. Then we have a stupid looking werewolf costume where the head looks 3 times too big for the body - no wonder they made sure to blur the camera lens when showing the "werewolf". At least the werewolf bumped off almost all of the annoying characters when it finally got to him.

Someone will survive in the end of the film - usually one or two do. Too bad they did keep the two hunters in the beginning of the film all the way through the movie - they were interesting and funny. They should have been the survivors of the movie. I'm giving the film a 2 for the 2 funny hunters in the beginning - the rest of the film stinks.


The Feeding (2006)

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