Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Shattering (2015)

Not A Good Movie - Pretty Bad

The beginning of the started out OK - I didn't have a problem with it but the longer this film goes on the worse it gets. The ending was terrible - horrible - awful.

Typical film: Find away to seclude the characters in the woods and bump them off. At least there was no sex like you would typically see. There was cheating which actually was a little bit relevant to the film because it made the one girl mad and she ran outside and died via the werewolf.

Sadly we did not see the two irritating characters die we only saw them disappear near the end of the film - that would be the two that cheated the one girl that was killed by the werewolf. I hated these two and wanted them to die early in the film - they are very annoying. I keep routing for the werewolf or hunters to bump them off quickly.

The acting in this film is bad - the hunters were OK but our main characters were not good. The story is lame, kinda predictable. You never see a werewolf in the film - I would be fine with that IF they had better/likable characters in the film but they didn't. I could not like anyone in the film enough to sympathize enough with - even the girl cheated on I did not like enough nor did I like the girl with cancer that well - they are the only two close to liking in the movie.

I was going to give this film a 4 until I saw the ending.


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