Saturday, March 19, 2016

Son of Dracula (1974)

An Oddity of Comedy Horror

I know I have seen this film years ago - memories are vague but I remember seeing it after watching it again on YouTube. It's been years. I'm guessing it was a late night movie on some station in the 1980s when I watched this film the first time.. it's cool to watch it again on YouTube. This movie has never been released to DVD which surprises me. I don't know what kind of a cult following there is for this film - if any at all but it's a film you would think has gathered a following no matter how small the the following.

The music is good in this film. I really enjoy hearing Harry Nilsson sing and play. Harry is Count Downe a musician that falls in love with a mortal woman and he is the Son of Dracula (Dracula is played by Dan Meaden).

Keep in mind this film is a musical comedy if you chose to watch it - a musical comedy horror/fantasy to be more exact - the film does not take itself seriously, it's made for fun/comedy - to entertain.

Also keep in mind this movie is NOT a remake of Son of Dracula (1943) starring Lon Chaney Jr. - it has zero to do with the 1943 film. The only thing that is the same is the title - that's it.

Look for this film on YouTube.


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