Friday, March 18, 2016

The Man Who Lived Again (1936)

Karloff is Brilliant

The Man Who Changed His Mind (original title) AKA The Man Who Lived Again (1936).

This film is another example of Karloff's brilliance of acting skills. He takes a good character, Dr. Laurience, and makes him beyond great. Dr. Laurience has discovered a way transfer the thoughts of one person into the body of another.

Lord Haslewood has the money while Dr. Laurience has the knowledge. The medical community has laughed at Dr. Laurience and it is Lord Haslewood that is funding the research. Clayton is Dr. Laurience's wheelchair bound assistant and the only person that knows the doctor's experiments actually work outside of one woman,Dr. Clare Wyatt, that begins to believe Dr. Laurience but can she stop him on time?

Murder and lots of body/mind switching at the end of the film- so you will not want to miss who is who and why.

The Man Who Lived Again (1936)

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