Saturday, February 20, 2016

16 Fathoms Deep (1948)

Remake is Equal to the Original

Watching films I am actually between the two: '34 original and the '48 remake - Not sure which version I prefer. The two films are very much a like but there are differences - most notably the ending. Out of the two endings I actually prefer the '48 ending because Mr. Demitri (Lon Chaney) gets it in the end. We did not get the pleasure of watching the towns people get their revenge in the '34.

I did like the narration in this film... it was interesting to hear (captivating) but I liked the action of the '34 a lot better. I also liked the romance in the '34 between Joe Bethel and Rosita.. it played a bigger role in the '34 where as the '48 had less focus on a fictional romance.

Both films are worth watching - they are different in quite a few ways but it has the same story plot.

Also I liked the role switch for Chaney.


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