Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Captive Wild Woman (1943)

Better Than It's Rated

Quite an entertaining little film from Universal... it is better than the rating it's given.

John Carradine plays Dr. Sigmund Walters a "mad" scientist that turns Paula Dupree (Acquanetta) into an ape woman. It's true that Dr. Walters actual motivations we not made exactly clear but it is obvious that is it for scientific research.

At any rate, the movie does serve to entertain certain audiences - I was anyway. It is not Universal's best of the time period but it is a good one - worth watching.

If you like films like The Ape (1940), The Ape Man (1943) or Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932) then you might like Captive Wild Woman.


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