Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Monster Walks (1932)

Slow and Corny 

This movie is slow & corny. It's not a good film but does have enough strangeness to be slightly entertaining in a boring sort of way. Overall the film is, well, boring. There are moments of slightly weird entertainment.

Some of the film posters for the movie shows what appears to be a gorilla but it is not a gorilla - it is a chimpanzee named Yogi that is screeching and escapes into the rest of the house.

The acting is stiff - very wooden, the plot & story are weak and the overall scariness is zero. 

This movie I can say is easy to pass up because you are not missing anything if you do decide to pass over this film. If you do decide to watch this movie - don't expect much out of it because there is very little entertainment to get out of this film.


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