Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tormented (1960)

A Fun But Good Ghost Story

It's been a long time since I've seen this film and I've recently re-watched it... I must say this is a good underrated ghost story. The film is not perfect; it's a little bit cheesy but in a good sort of way.

Basically a man, Tom Stewart, is "Tormented" by the ghost of his ex-girlfriend, Vi Mason, that he deliberately let die. Vi wanted Tom for herself - even in death. Vi will stop at nothing to stop Tom from marring his new sweetheart Meg Hubbard.

This is a good late night movie - it has it's fair share of thrills and horrors.


Tom started out kinda likeable minus what happened to the irritating Vi - yet Vi was going to blackmail Tom so that puts Vi as the unlikeable at the very beginning of the film.

What gets me is how Tom became a cold blooded murderer. He let Vi die on purpose, he killed Nick (the blackmailer) and was going to kill Sandy at the very end of the film. He became so desperate to stop anyone from knowing what happened to Vi and to marry Meg (then backed out of the wedding to Meg). He got to the point he was willing to kill anyone - even 8 year old Sandy.

I think Tom got exactly what he deserved in the very end.


Good film over all - I like it a lot.


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