Sunday, December 21, 2014

Twins of Evil (1971)

The Best of the Trilogy! Very Good. 

The third movie of the Karnstein Trilogy. Now this is a GOOD vampire film. LOVE the story. This one has much less focus on the lustful Countess Mircalla - in fact, not hardly any attention to her in this film. This movie  has its focus on the twins Frieda and Maria instead.

Twins of Evil will easily grab your attention right at the beginning of the film and hold it until the very end. This film has a gothic setting, puritans on witch-hunts, black arts, Satanism, vampires, and a good vs evil theme - all of which are the makings for a good horror film - and this film has a good story surrounding these things.

Yes this is can be a stand alone film - really you do not need to watch the first two films to know what is going on in this third because it has very little to do with them. The only thing that connects this third film is Countess Mircalla and she is in the film very little.

This third film is worth watching!


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