Sunday, December 21, 2014

Lust for a Vampire (1971)

Weak Vampire Story

The second movie of the Karnstein Trilogy. I did like the opening of the film - the resurrection of  Mircalla / Carmilla Karnstein - that was pretty well done. I liked the costuming, some of the sets and the music - but that it about it. So the film started out really good then quickly dropped to a weak and quite boring vampire film once the main characters entered into the girls school.

Mircalla / Carmilla Karnstein is resurrected 40 years after the first film. A girls school was built near by the Karnstein castle and Mircalla / Carmilla enters there to drink the blood of her victims: men and women a like.

I did not like the girls school idea nor was I crazy about the some of the acting. Yutte Stensgaard is Mircalla / Carmilla Karnstein and is quite boring to watch as a vampress - very stiff acting. And I did not like the ancient greek/roman dancing - I love dancing but it ruined this film.

The movie might be ok to watch once if you like vampires but otherwise I would skip this film.


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