Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Vampire Lovers (1970)

Not Too Bad Of A Vampire Story

First movie of the Karnstein Trilogy. The film is not that bad - it does hit a lull for awhile then picks back up.

The first part of the film Marcilla ends up invited to stay with General von Spielsdorf and his daughter Laura. Laura is lured by the vampress Marcilla. Marcilla drains Laura of blood, Laura dies due to blood loss.

The second part Marcilla changes her name to Carmilla. And ends up being invited to stay with Roger Morton and his daughter Emma. Emma is lured by Carmilla and is beginning to be drained of blood by Carmilla. This is the lull in the movie because it almost is a repeat of the first part of the film.

The third part the movie picks back up when the men put their heads together to hunt down the vampire Mircalla Karnstein and end her murderous terror.

 Marcilla / Carmilla / Mircalla Karnstein is in fact the same woman/vampire played well by the beautiful Ingrid Pitt. Mircalla is a bi-sexual vampress as she lures not only women but men as well.

I LOVE the atmosphere, sets, costuming and the music of this film!!  This is appeal of the film - the look and feel of it.

It is the lull that the movie hits that bored me... just a bit to much of the same in the second part as the first part. (I am calling it parts or acts but maybe wrong about that.)

Yes there is romance or humm more like lust in the film: and the title fits the film.


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