Thursday, December 18, 2014

Scream and Scream Again (1970)

A Bizarre Sci-Fi Horror

This movie is closely based on Peter Saxon's science fiction novel "The Disoriented Man". Worth watching if you love sci-fi, mystery, thriller, crime and horror all rolled into one film.

I have NEVER read the book but, from what I have read about the film vs the book, the only thing really missing from the film is the fact these mysterious people are aliens and not just some creation of human science - otherwise the film very closely follows the book.

This is another film that I have not seen since roughly the mid-80's and recently watched the film again... I have to say it's better than my memory allowed me to remember.

There are several things going on in this movie at once - so it's one of those films you will not want miss anything which is easy because it will draw you in quickly just because it's so odd.

Oh and by the way, this film is NOT overly gory - the worst parts happen off screen but there is some blood. 


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