Thursday, December 18, 2014

House of the Long Shadows (1983)

A Fun Mystery-Thriller

Oh boy - it's been around 25 or 26 years since I've seen this film "House of Long Shadows". I was 11 years old when it first came out and I recall it playing throughout the 80's on TV (ya know HBO, Cinemax, Showtime - which ever it was) along side of films like Clue (1985) and Deathtrap (1982).  Well, all these years later I finally watched HoLS again and I have to say I still find it quite a good movie.

The movie is full of twists and turns - you are beginning to suspect one thing then something else happens to which throws your suspicion another way - and this is exactly what a good mystery is all about: keeping your suspicions aroused while tossing it around from suspect to suspect.

Four iconic stars in one film (Cushing, Lee, Carradine and Price) only tells the viewer there must be something good about this film -and as usual it is good.

As far as Desi Arnaz Jr. goes - that is part of the humor I think - a young star in stark contrast to four icons. "Come on this is the 80's" is basically the attitude Kenneth Magee (Arnaz) - when you see the film you'll understand.


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