Thursday, December 11, 2014

House of Dracula ( 1945 )

An Outstanding Universal Horror Classic

House of Dracula is quick to pull you in right from the start of the film. The movie keeps a fairly quick pace - there is no "boring parts" within this flick. The story is simple: Dracula and Wolf Man Lawrence Talbot are both seeking cures for their supernatural states from Dr. Edelman but the way it plays out is far from being simple because there are quite a few problems with curing both creatures.

This wonderful film has three of the most iconic Universal Monsters: Dracula, Wolf Man and Frankenstein's Monster. Carradine played Dracula quite well (imo), Chaney Jr. is great as Talbot/Wolf Man as usual and Strange makes a great Monster although his part is way to small. Also there is Dr. Edelman played by Stevens... Stevens portrayed the "Mad" Scientist turned Vampire so perfectly well.

Someone said the only thing wrong with this film was that The Monster was not in it long enough and I do agree with that and is the only reason I'm not rating this movie a perfect 10 (but almost).

Watch the House of Frankenstein first then follow up with House of Dracula to see them in order. 


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