Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dracula's Daughter ( 1936 )

Like Father, Like Daughter

This is a wonderful addition to any vampire collection. This one is fun to watch - it has a bit of humor mixed in with the horror (although I would not call it comedy-horror). Gloria Holden is perfect for the role as Contessa Marya Zeleska (Dracula's Daughter) she has the right look for the role. And Contessa's very strange assistant Sandor (Irving Pichel) is about as scary as she is.

One reviewer has mentioned a hit of Lesbianism within the film - and I do think that is possible but I also wonder if it is a hint at "the blood of a young female virgin" - either way this film will have you wondering what the writer had in mind. ---> Once you see the film you will understand my meaning.


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