Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Warriors (1979)

More of a cult classic these days - but oh so good!

What a great thrilling crime-drama this movie is! It is a fantastic
story filled with action, some adventure, and an unexpected side-story
romance. It's not the type of film that most people would enjoy - yet
it is good. It seems to be more of a cult classic these days than a
movie that still draws a large crowd - narrowed down the select few
cult followers.

If you generally have an open-mind to watching older films, crime,
dramas and action films then you just might like this flick. It shows
the problems of gang-life, troubled young adults, and ghetto living.
Some great 1970s era action going on in this movie!

On a personal note: I want one of The Warriors cool jackets - they rock just as much as this film does.


IMDb: The Warriors (1979)

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