Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Breakfast Club (1985)

A Great Teen Film!

I cannot believe this movie is not rated higher on IMDb! This movie is so funny. The movie is accurate in the way teens are and the groups they belong to in school. The movie's story is excellent and the acting is perfect!

You have all the main types in this film:

1. The Outcast, Dark (Ally Sheedy)
2. The Princess, Light (Molly Ringwald)
3. The Criminal, Dark (Judd Nelson)
4. The Jock, Light (Emilio Estevez)
5. The Nerd, Neutral (Anthony Michael Hall)

I was 13 when this film came out - just started high school - and yes the movie reminded me of a few kids I went to school with. I loved the film then and still love it today!

Some the hottest songs of the time period are in this film. Great soundtrack!

One question to ask yourself: Which of the 5 categories of stereo-types did you fall into? I was a mix of the Outcast and Nerd - the two characters I identified with the most. LOL!


IMDb: The Breakfast Club (1985)

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