Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Freaky Friday (1976)

An Original Idea

This has got to be a top pick for original ideas ever put on film! The movie is very cute - quite comical - and very unique in film (or book) concepts.

I've always wanted to do something like this in my life: trade places with someone - even my own mom!! What a great way to find out what the other is really going through everyday of their life. The film also shows as path to self-discovery in a way that is different.

The self-discovery aspect of the movie is not quite obvious to some viewers - but it is there. What I mean is, if you really could trade places/bodies with someone like depicted in the film and you find out what the other is going through you will also start to question your own actions and beliefs before the body trade took place (self-discovery)! Example: "Ah now I understand what my mom was saying about this and I acted this way about it - now I have discovered a new way of viewing the situation because I understand my mom's point of view now that I have to be her!"

The film also shows how sometimes we think we want to be so-n-so and if you live their life you may not want to be that person at all! Learn to at least like who you are and change what you don't like about yourself instead of wishing you could be someone else.

Yes there is actually some pretty good life lessons in this film if you pay close attention to it - while enjoying the comedy in it!


IMDb: Freaky Friday (1976)  

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