Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Deliverance (1972)

An All Time Favorite!

One of my all time favorite films that was made the year I was born! I did not get to see Deliverance until I was older - I'm not sure of my age, maybe 10 or 11? But I've seen it a few times since then and will watch it again in the future I'm sure.

The whole movie is eerily creepy - and not just the one famous pig scene. This group of men went through more hell than they ever bargained for. All they wanted was a nice all-guy camping trip together: to relax, maybe drink a few beers, canoe down the river and enjoy themselves. It turned out to be the most brutal and unforgettable experience of their lives.

The movie falls just shy of being a horror film - but not by much - it is that spooky, terrifying! 

If you have not seen this movie and want to view it - I recommend you proceed with caution! It is graphic with some violence and rape. But it is one of the most exciting thrillers you will ever see!


IMDb: Deliverance (1972)  

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