Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Clockwork Orange (1971)

Truly "Ultra-violent"

One of my all time favorite films. As a teen I had the original soundtrack on vinyl - which is wonderful! I had a small movie poster of the film, the movie on VHS and a hat just like Alex DeLarge! Alex has always been the character that I love to hate and hate to love!

A Clockwork Orange is an artsy futuristic crime thriller! I've always said this movie one of my favorite "horror films" (because of the nature of the film).

The movie is narrated by non-other than Alex DeLarge himself! His narration brings you a bit closer to the character because you feel he is talking to you (and anyone watching with you) directly - more so than any other narrated movie I've ever seen.

Alex and his gang of droogs are vile, nasty thugs! They steal, rape, murder and wreak havoc anywhere and to whomever they please. The gang leader, Alex, is the worst - he will even hurt his own friends/gang members.

If you have never seen this movie and would like to I will warn you ahead of time that it is truly "Ultra-violent". It is a fantastic movie with the idea of "curing the criminally sick" at the heart of it called the The Ludovico technique.


IMDb: A Clockwork Orange (1971)  

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