Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Battlestar Galactica (1978)


The Last Battlestar 

I was 8 years old when the TV show first aired and this movie grazed the silver screen - that was 1978. Fast-forward to 2023 and I finally seen my childhood film again. I have to say it entertaining many years later.

Our story begins when Cylons have proposed a peace treaty with the human race. Some of the men feel this is ruse while others believe the Cylons are sincere. It was a trick, Cylons destroyed most all planet colonies and all Battlestars but one - now our truly start with Apollo, Starbuck, Adama and others trying to save what is left of the human race and find their fabled mother planet: Earth.

Interesting story and characters. Some of the effects are a little dated but they still hold up well enough to enjoy this film!

Worth watching sci-fi fans!!


Battlestar Galactica (1978)

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