Friday, February 10, 2023

The Skull (1965)


Trippy & Creepy

The first 45 minutes or so of the film is your average movie but the last half of the movie is trippy, creepy and mostly silent (minus the music with little dialogue).

Interesting story, great cinematography and top-notch acting makes the film worth watching - though it's not the greatest horror film.

You can't go wrong with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee but I must mention the wonderful supporting cast - outstanding! Patrick Wymark, Nigel Green, Patrick Magee and a brief appearance of Michael Gough help to make this film what it is.

The film is Amicus - not Hammer. As fans know, Amicus films are easily comparable and often mistaken for Hammer Films. The Skull is right up there with any Hammer Film - good movie!


The Skull (1965)

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