Monday, November 21, 2022

The Littlest Angel (1969 TV Movie)


Not As Good As I Remember

I saw this one as a kid in the 1970s. I enjoyed the film at that time but watching it all these years later had me cringing. Too much singing and not enough storytelling for my tastes these days.

I'm not saying this is an awful film because it's not but I will say as an adult the film does nothing for me. Some things are better as a memory - including this film.

I do like the casting in the movie - it has an outstanding cast for the time era. Acting is great.

Rewatching it all these years later, I don't like this idea of "Heaven" - not much there to see but clouds and weird designs.

Overall, it's alright - it's just doesn't have the same impact as an adult.


The Littlest Angel (1969 TV Movie)

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