Monday, November 21, 2022

Studio One: The Play of the Nativity of the Child Jesus (1952)

Hard to Sit Through

Christians: Please find another version of this tale to watch. There are many other films out there on this story that is more pleasing to watch.

The film starts out with an archangel and Mary's immaculate conception. Joseph wants to know who's child is this and she tells him it's of God and it's yours. Then the film walks us through the nine months until Jesus is born - the first Christmas.

Well, this film is very dark (hard to see), slow and boring, hard to sit through, bad and good actors mixed in this drab version of the story.

I acquired this film in a Holiday Classics film pack and wanted to watch every film at least once - this movie is a just once.


Studio One: The Play of the Nativity of the Child Jesus (1952)



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