Sunday, September 4, 2022

Airport (1970)


Good Dramedy Thriller

This film seems to be a mixed bag of drama, comedy, thriller and action. There's enough comedy to keep you laughing in between the drama and suspense. It's a film that definitely worth watching.

Great star-cast so the acting is well done and they had a good script to work with. Most of the film is the drama and comedy at the airport it's self. About 1 hour into the film, the plane is ready to take off with a man with a bomb onboard.

Keep in mind this film is pre-9/11 and airports were a bit different place at this time. There was still concerns of bombs, hijackings, problematic passengers and the like but it wasn't as bad then.

Anyway, a good film worth watching if you ever get a chance to see it.


Airport (1970)

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