Saturday, May 6, 2017

Ironclad (2011)

Not 100% Accurate - But Good
A History film is a film with people that really lived, places that did (and might still) exist & events that really happened -- BUT maybe fictionalized for various reasons. With that said, "Ironclad" is not 100% accurate historically but it's a good movie nonetheless.

The battles of the Knights Templar were bloody like any other war - so I expected the blood but I never expected to like the film this well. The film is gritty, dirty, bloody but with a good story (again, it's not perfectly accurate), great casting, and the the rest of the stuff (like cinematography, costuming, set designs, directing, etc). Overall, it was worth the 2 hours it takes to watch the film.

Yes I wish the film was 100% accurate - a history lesson if you will - but I enjoyed the movie as it is. Yes I wish the film was accurate but I watch "history" films just like any other work of cinema - I ask myself "Did I enjoy the film?" and the answer is yes to "Ironclad".


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