Thursday, May 4, 2017

Dracula Untold (2014)

Entertaining - I Enjoy It!

It's a Hollywood movie - entertainment - not a history lesson! The story borrows heavily from the real life Vlad Tepes and his real battles BUT it is not an accurate depiction of it - the film doesn't pretend to be either. The movie add lots of Fantasy and Fiction to the true story in order to entertain it's audiences - I for one am entertained by the film.

I like Luke Evans as Vlad Tepes - a fresh face for the character and he's a good, quality actor in my eyes. The rest of the actors a good in this one too - really good in their roles.

CGI? - Yes it's in here like most films of today but it's not abused! I think it's well done and in good taste for a film of this type.

The story - new, exciting, and a refreshing tale of it's own. The battle a many and a bit graphic - so if that's not your thing then I would tell you "you might wanna pass on this one film then".

Eye-candy when it comes to the costumes and sets! A real medieval look and feel to the it. Darkness splashed with bright colors with superb cinematography adding to overall eeriness of the dark.

It's not much of a Horror film - more of War, Action and Fantasy but there are elements of Horror splashed in the mix of genres.

Overall, I really like this movie!! And will watch it again!


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