Friday, February 3, 2017

The Witchmaker (1969)

Passable Witch Film

The Witchmaker is aka The Legend of Witch Hollow - both titles work for the film. It's about a sensitive and some of her colleagues that end up in the Louisiana swamps to conduct some psychic research. They've heard about several woman being killed and drained of their blood. The male witch sees to sensitive and wants to make her a part of the coven of witches.

The film would have been better if the film actually focused more on the psychic research and investigation of the murders instead of the male witch working with the lead and real witch to bring the psychic girl into the coven. The movie really moves away from what we are told the story is about - so the plot and film's summary are quite a bit misleading. Plot is about their intentions to begin with but not the films focus.

It's a passable witch film - nothing really special.


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