Friday, February 3, 2017

The Blood on Satan's Claw (1971)

One Of The Better 70s Occult Films

Set in the 17th century. Ralph Gower is out plowing the fields one day when he accidentally uncovers the earthly bones of Satan. Angel Blake will find Satan's Claw and begins to lead a coven of children into devil worshiping. People are turning up dead but the Judge needs proof of that witchcraft is involved - but some feel it's more sinister than witchcraft.

The film is well acted out - bravo to the actors. I also felt it was beautifully filmed and a well written story. It feels and looks like a high dollar production although made on a fairly modest budget.

This film does get violent, there is rape, murder and some blood splattered but it is done in a way that is (somewhat) watchable. If any of this offends you then I do suggest that you look for a milder film on the subjects of Satan and witchcraft.


The Blood on Satan's Claw (1971)

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