Saturday, January 7, 2017

"Star Trek" Who Mourns for Adonais? (1967)

Welcome to Olympus Captain Kirk

Season 2, episode 2. The Enterprise encounters a very large hand made of pure energy. This hand stops the ship dead in it's tracks. Apollo appears on the viewing screen and demands Kirk and crew to come down to the planet.. all but Spock whom he claims reminds him too much of Pan. Kirk, McCoy, Scotty, Chekov and Carolyn beams down to met Apollo. Apollo wants Kirk and crew to worship him and uses his powers to stop them from communicating with the ship & using their phasers. Kirk theorizes "what if he really is Apollo?" Apollo is taken by Carolyn and willing to open up to her some. The men are working on who or what Apollo is and how to communicate with the ship. Kirk and crew must find away to deal with Apollo and go on to their next adventure.

Not too bad of a story... kinda interesting where Greek mythology meets science fiction fun.


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