Saturday, January 7, 2017

"Star Trek" Amok Time (1967)

Pon Farr  - Vulcan Mating Season For Spock

Season 2, episode 1. The Enterprise is heading to Altair VI when Mr. Spock starts acting erratic and not wanting to explain his actions and behavior to anyone - not even to Kirk or Bones. Bones notices that Spock's vital signs are not right and he's not eating and he tells Kirk that they have to bring Spock to Vulcan or he will die. Kirk keeps prodding Spock to tell him what is going on and Spock finally opens up. Starfleet orders Kirk to head to Altair VI but he defies the orders to bring Spock to Vulcan. Pon Farr time for Mr. Spock, his Vulcan blood is burning, he is married to T'Pring and must mate with her. T'Pring chooses a challenge - her champion Kirk. Kirk has the option to say "No" but Bones feels that Spock cannot take on the other challenger and Kirk feels he might have a plan but he soon finds out that this is a fight to the death. T'Pring is wanting a divorce and to marry Stonn. Kirk and Spock must fight to the death but McCoy has something up his sleeve.

Good episode, fun to watch Kirk and Spock battle it out.

I've got to love the relationship between Kirk, Spock and Bones. There is always one of them with something up their sleeve to surprise the other two.


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