Friday, January 6, 2017

"Star Trek" A Taste of Armageddon (1967)

Peace Keeping With Computer Wars

Season 1, episode 23. The Enterprise is on a mission to Star Cluster NGC321 planet Eminiar VII with the diplomat Ambassador Fox in order to learn more about the inhabitants of the planet and for peace talks. Eminiar VII has had a long standing war with their neighboring planet Vendikar. When the Enterprise nears Eminiar VII, they are sent a message from the planet to not bring the ship any closer. The high ranking Ambassador orders Kirk to approach the planet and orbit it anyway.  Scotty was left in command of the Enterprise while Kirk, Spock with a small party of security beam down to the planet and are held hostage where they learn that Eminiar wants to keep peace by waging war with their computer and real people must die, that includes all members of the Enterprise. Kirk & Spock must do whatever it takes to save themselves and their ship while Mr. Scott must take care of the Enterprise while having difficulties getting the Ambassador (who has never been a soldier) to understand what is really going on.

A pretty good episode about peace keeping with computers that will annihilate all ships that approach their peaceful planet but they have never seen real war with bombs and such. Nor has this planet's inhabitants ever tried to have peace talks with Vendikar.


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