Friday, January 6, 2017

"Star Trek" Space Seed (1967)

The Original Wrath of Khan

Season 1, episode 22. The Enterprise runs across a ship, the SS Botany Bay. The Botany Bay is a ship from 20th century (the 1990s). Kirk and a small group beam aboard to find the Botany crew in a state of suspended animation. The Enterprise's historian Lt. Marla McGivers is among the group and explains that it is customary that the leader of the Botany Bay is to awaken first to make sure it is safe to awaken the crew members... about that one of them was awakening and would die if they did not get him out of there. They beam back aboard the Enterprise with him well. When the man awakens he wants to speak to Kirk and the man introduces himself as simply as Khan. Kirk and Spock do some fast thinking and research to learn more of this man named Khan, Khan's crew and the SS Botany Bay. They learn that Khan is more than just an ordinary man - he is a genetically engineered "super human" along with the rest of Khan's crew. Khan reads through the Enterprises ship manual to learn more about how the ship operates and holds members of the Enterprise's bridge hostage. What Khan wants is the Enterprise and to conquer worlds, what Khan gets is a surprise.

One of the best episode of Star Trek ever made. Khan is the perfect nemesis for Kirk - and the most memorable one. A delight to watch again.


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