Wednesday, January 11, 2017

"Star Trek" Return to Tomorrow (1968)

Sargon Needs 3 Human Bodies

Season 2, episode 20. The Enterprise receives a distress call from  a lifeless planet. They enter into a zone that has never been explored by humans nor anyone else. Sargon communicates telepathically and wants Kirk, Spock and Dr. Ann Mulhall to beam down... McCoy wants to join for medical interests and Kirk has 2 security guards on the transporter to join them when they beam down. Sargon does not allow the 2 security guards to beam down but allows McCoy to beam down. Sargon takes over Kirk's body and also wants Mulhall and Spock's bodies as well for his wife and friend so they all 3 can live again. They want to construct robots to but themselves in and need to be in physical form to do so - that is their need for the bodies. They do not want the ship's crew to do it because they do not have the knowledge to construct exactly the android bodies they want. Sargon leaves Kirk's body leaving him with some knowledge of who and what Sargon's kind are. Kirk and crew are given a choice to help or not... if they refuse to help they are free to leave. McCoy protests helping the aliens because of the danger involved but finally agrees to it. Now Kirk, Spock and Mulhall are suspended while the aliens take over their bodies to do what they must do in creating their new android bodies but they love being in a human form but there are medical complications involved all except Henoch in the Vulcan body. It is Henoch that is the "evil" one.

Interesting concept for an episode. Spirits taking over the bodies of the 3 while the spirits or souls of Kirk, Spock and Mulhall are in a state of suspension.


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