Wednesday, January 11, 2017

"Star Trek" A Private Little War (1968)

Primitive People, Nona the Witch & Klingons

Season 2, episode 19. The Enterprise is at the planet Neural. Kirk spent time there 13 years earlier. Kirk, Spock and McCoy beam down. McCoy is fascinated by the medicinal plants on the planet, Spock is attacked and beams back up, Kirk looks for his friend Tyree. Kirk suspects Klingons has intervened with the natural progression of the planet by giving them weapons more advanced than they should have had for they are a primitive planet of people. None of the Enterprise's crew are allowed to use their phasers or other modern technology. Kirk is attacked and is dying... Nona the witch, Tyree's wife, heals Kirk and expects him to be grateful by giving her "knowledge of the stars". Once well, Kirk continues his investigation into Klingon interference and has to balance the power on the planet. Nona is still after the information from Kirk she seeks using her witchcraft. The Klingons contaminated the natural order with guns to their friends on the planet leaving the other half without means of equal defense. Kirk wants to even the score.

Interesting enough episode. The struggles of power, a witch, Klingons, a friend of Kirk's and more... I like it.


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