Monday, January 9, 2017

"Star Trek" Metamorphosis (1967)

Zefram, The Companion & Love
Season 2, episode 9. Kirk, Spock and McCoy are on the way back to the Enterprise in a shuttle craft with the very ill Federation diplomat Nancy Hedford when the craft is kidnapped by an energy cloud and taken to the planet of Gamma Canaris N. There they find a very strange man Zefram Cochrane who is friendly. The group soon learn that Cochrane is the same Zefram Cochrane that invented Warp Drive some 150 years ago. Cochrane's body was never found but would be dead 150 years later. It is the Companion, an energy source, that has reversed Cochrane's aging and keeps him young and alive. The Companion refuses to let Kirk and the group leave for it fears that Cochrane will die of loneliness and wants Kirk and the group to stay for Cochrane's sake. Now Kirk, Spock and McCoy must find a way out of there.

I am NOT fond of Donahue's portrayal of Nancy Hedford because she sounded too demanding to be a diplomat... her tone of voice in the role was very wrong for the role of a  diplomat (dying or not). Otherwise it's a pretty good episode - I love the idea behind it.


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