Sunday, January 8, 2017

"Star Trek" I, Mudd (1967)

Mudd's Androids

Season 2, episode 8. The Enterprise is taken over by an android that has sabotaged the ship (causing it to destruct if they try to regain control) and forcing the crew to an unknown destination. They approach an uncharted planet and the android requires Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Chekhov, Uhura and Scotty to beam down to the planet. When they arrive they are greeted by none other than the outlaw Harry Mudd. Questioning Mudd they learn that he wants the Enterprise and leave Kirk and all crew on the uncharted planet Harry named after himself. This planet is full of androids that serve Mudd. Prodding Mudd more they learn that these androids will serve humans in order to study them but needed more humans to study besides just Mudd... that is why Mudd sent out one of his androids and, as luck would have it, brought back Kirk and crew. Time for the Captain and his crew members to do some quick thinking.

Fun, fun episode... better than Mudd's Women in my opinion. Mudd is a character I love to hate and hate to love. A goofy scoundrel that has a personal vendetta against Kirk. Poor Harry will never win.


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