Wednesday, December 7, 2016

King of Kong Island (1968)

It's Just A Stupid Awful Film

I had my hopes up that this would be so bad that it's good - but it isn't. It's just a stupid awful film. I watched and listened to the film while cleaning the house. I had more fun cleaning up dishes, cleaning out the cat box, plus sweeping and mopping the floors than I did with this movie (if you can call it that). The one thing about the film is it bored me enough to go ahead and do what I needed to do in the house.

I really have to take out the trash in a bit and I would throw this film in the garbage but it came in a 50-Pack so there are other films on the same disc. That means I'm keeping the film but it will go in my profile folder list labeled "My Garbage Collection".

King of Kong Island (1968)

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