Saturday, November 5, 2016

Wolfman (1979)

Just A Little Bit Better Than It's Rating

The film is just a little bit better than it's rating. The acting is not good - but I have seen much worse. I really believe that everyone did their best for not being big named actors. The story isn't all that bad either... as far as the Wolfman himself goes, he looks quite a bit like Paul Naschy's werewolf. The special effects are pretty good for a B-film of the time era. They also get extra points for creating eerie Gothic imagery. AND I love the fact they took themselves (their roles) and the film itself seriously - this is not a tongue-in-cheek horror. They were creating a werewolf film in the late 70's on a small budget - and I think they did a good job with it.

This is a film you just kick back and enjoy - it's not a "thought provoking" film nor is it an award winning film.. it's just a film that surrounds a family curse of a Wolfman - just have fun watching the movie.

BTW I wish I could find this movie in a film pack: 10, 20, 50 or 100. 


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