Friday, November 4, 2016

Dracula (1979)

Romanticized & Beautiful Dracula Film
 - Underrated

I don't understand why the ratings on this version of the story of Dracula is so low. It is one of the most beautiful Dracula films on the market. Not quite true to Bram Stoker's book, but then again none of the Dracula films are. This particular version is so romantic, thrilling and exotic in it's way. Lovely Gothic imagery, well acted, awesome casting and a good script/story. Why are the ratings so low? I'll never know.

Maybe it's just me but I find this one of the best Dracula films I've ever seen. Hypnotizing from start to finish. Suspenseful - even if you know the story of Dracula you can still find suspense in this film.

I don't feel I have to give a brief over view of what the story is about because I think almost all of us know the basic story already - so no need to rehash it for this review.

Highly recommended for viewing to Vampire/Dracula lovers.


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