Monday, November 14, 2016

The Giant of Metropolis (1961)

Peplum Meets Sci-Fi Meets 
Adventure Meets Fantasy

This one isn't too bad. It's about the evil Il re Yotar who's planing on taking over the entire world, controlling weather, and more - plus he's got the secret to immortality. Our hero is muscle man Obro who is considered a terrorist to Yotar because he's trying to stop Yotar's evil, diabolical plans to concur and rule all with his super science! But is Obro and his god stronger than the science that might destroy all?! (I'm sure you know the answer already without watching the film.) LOVE will end up conquering all Ha-ha!

Really, this isn't a horrible Peplum Sci-Fi film. It's got entertaining moments with some fun but silly dialogue and special effects to keep it interesting enough.

The Giant of Metropolis (1961)

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