Monday, November 14, 2016

Fugitive Alien (1987)

Just Weird And Not That Good

Well it's a fast paced Japanese sci-fi film. From what I've read, it's from several of the TV serials sorta smashed together to create this movie. It's not completely awful but it's not all that grand of a film either. It's watchable and tolerable if you are very much of a diehard science fiction fan, but not so much for those that like an occasional science fiction movie.

The lead alien villain - the one that tells them to kill everyone on planet earth in the beginning of the film - is really cool and evil looking.  He's neat.

What is up with the long-haired blonde wigs? I really wish they would have not worn them - it really makes the film look terrible and trashy. Just their space outfits would have been plenty.

Fugitive Alien (1987)

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