Sunday, November 13, 2016

Footprints AKA Le orme (1975)

 Incredibly Good, Suspenseful Mystery-Thriller
 This film blew me away. It captured me right from the start of the movie. The longer you watch, the more is revealed but the more confusing and stranger it becomes... builds to a super climax into a bang up ending  that will leave you wondering when the credits role.

Is Alice really Alice? If not, is she Nichole? What in the heck does Alice/Nichole's nightmares of astronauts have to do with it? Has Alice/Nichole gone mad? Is all this real? And many more questions will arise during the viewing of this film.

I acquired this film from the Sci-Fi Invasion 50-Pack. And this is most definitely one of the best films in the collection. The movie is worth watching if you like mystery-thrillers. I fell in-love with the movie the first time I watched it.


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