Sunday, November 13, 2016

Alien Prey (1977)

A Bizarre Erotic Alien Horror
 - Actually Interesting

I have to say I was impressed by this film, I was expecting very lame but I got an interesting erotic alien horror film instead. This one is very bizarre but it very watchable from my standpoint of view.

Two beautiful lesbians, one a murderess and the other is strong but semi-naive that wants a man (a third for a love triangle) but the murderess does not want this. Along comes a man, an alien in fact, that stays with them a couple of days. The murderess, Joe, does not like him but lets Jessica keep him there for a couple of days but with no triangle! What we witness onscreen makes for one of the strangest movies I've ever seen - but in a good way.

There is nudity, sexual scenes and blood but actually done tastefully and it really surprised me. Good film, interesting story to go with it.


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